The Message of Gospel Of Thomas: Resonances with Jewish Tradition
June 15, 2022
8:00 PM
The Message of Gospel Of Thomas: Resonances with Jewish Tradition
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 8 PM via Zoom
Elaine Pagels, Princeton University
This talk engages the secret Gospel Of Thomas, discovered in 1945 in Upper Egypt, which consists of 114 sayings attributed to Jesus of Nazareth.
While most scholarly research has focused on half of these sayings long familiar from New Testament parallels, here we focus instead on the others – more than fifty “secret sayings” – all previously unknown, and the questions they are raising for scholarly discussion.
Did Jesus of Nazareth, like other first-century rabbis, offer secret teaching? How do the “secret sayings” in Gospel Of Thomas, which offer exegetical interpretation of Genesis 1, resonate with esoteric Jewish traditions that may date back as early as the second century C.E., and also, perhaps with kabbalistic traditions articulated more than a millennium later?
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