Medical Malpractice
October 25, 2022
1:15 PM
Medical Malpractice
Tuesday, October 25 | 1:15 PM | JCC Social Hall
Join the JCC Men’s Club for a special lecture by Paul Wiesenfeld, Esq. Suing a medical professional is not the same as suing someone else. Paul will speak to the necessary elements that must be addressed in a malpractice action: a) what exactly is medical malpractice as opposed to simple negligence and how is it shown to have occurred; b) the Standard of Care, a level of competence all MDs must adhere to; c) malpractice insurance and the role the insurance carrier plays “behind” the scenes; d) the role of the defense attorney, the plaintiff’s attorney, and the jury; and e) if the case is won, damages. Open to the community. – Also, on Zoom.
For more information, contact David Frome at or 301-294-2154.