Lucy J. Calautti
As director of government relations for Major League Baseball (MLB), Lucy Calautti represents MLB ’ s interests in Washington. It is the perfect combination for a Washington insider and life-long baseball fan. As Major League Baseball’s advocate on Capitol Hill, she has the opportunity to introduce people in the political world to baseball and introduce baseball players to the world of politics by bringing MLB’s rookies to Washington and taking them to the floor of the Senate and House, and to the White House. Lucy has nearly 30 years of legislative and political experience in state government, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate. During most of that time, she served as chief of staff to Senator Byron Dorgan, a member of the Ways and Means Committee in the House, and then a member of the Appropriations, Commerce, Energy and Indian Affairs Committees in the Senate. Prior to her Capitol Hill experience, Lucy worked with then North Dakota T ax Commissioner Byron Dorgan. She also became an experienced campaign manager, shepherding several successful congressional races, including the come-from- behind U.S. Senate campaign of Senator Kent Conrad (D -N.D.) in 1986. Lucy has also used her extensive campaign experience to help women seek and win public office.